Air vents are in worst places

Doesn’t it odor when you transport into a new home or house and have to adjust to all of the new infrastructure placements? I feel like it takes a year to understand where every light switch is and what every button does.

Oftentimes, I live in a home for an extended amount of time before I am capable to fully control the indoor lighting setup; Don’t even get me started on how difficult it is to understand the logic behind outlet placement.

I do not know if I’ve ever lived in a home where I agreed with their choices when it came to power outlets. Similarly, I am finding that more than 2 home builders are baffled when it comes to logically placing indoor air vents. I can’t be the only person who has standards when it comes to their indoor air quality, however not only do I expect to my central heating and cooling system to run quietly and efficiently, but I do anticipate my home will have air vents in semi logical places. I do not understand, for instance, why is there is only a single air vent in my living room, and it’s directly over the window. Why would you put high-quality indoor air directly next to an escape route? I am paying an arm and a leg to operate my indoor heating and cooling plans, and the air is being delivered directly to a passageway outside. I also can’t seem to comprehend why there is an air vent positioned directly over the stove. If it’s already hot, I do not need more heat there. If I am trying to keep the home cool, do not put my AC in the oven. Whoever built this place did not assume about the energy bill or indoor comfort.


furnace/heater installation