I will work for a little bit longer but then I am going to take a nice long nap for an hour or three because I am just so weary from these dust sensitivities, the warmer weather brought some heavy winds as well as I know it blasted the pollen all over the city, which in turn affected my personal health in a huge way. I am trying to stay in the home as well as rest more as well as hopefully these symptoms will all be gone soon as well as I can be back to normal once again. I have to buy some more dust sensitivity meds at the local supplier tomorrow because I am going to run out of these pills. I also need to go to this food store tomorrow as well as grab some more split bread for my grilled cheese sandwiches I eat a couple times a week. The heating plan in my condo is finally getting a break with the warmer weather, as well as it won’t be much longer until my mini split a/c unit starts to run again as well as cool us all down in this appealing flat. I can’t wait to lie in my cool bed, where it is easily quiet as well as dark too, as well as read my book for a bit before falling asleep as well as rest my bad body. I just boxed up my steam boiler as well as soon I will be packing up my small hydronic space furnace for the summer time as well as fall. I will bring them out near the end of the fall season as well as put them together for another round of cold winter weather. Round as well as round my associate and I go.