The HVAC company had the wrong phone number on their card.

I was looking for the phone number for the HVAC company.

I wanted to get my air conditioning unit serviced, and I was hoping they would change the air filter while they were there.

Ever since my husband left, I forgot about changing the air filter. I didn’t know how, and I was afraid of screwing the AC unit up. I didn’t consider how much damage I was doing to the air conditioner by not changing the air filter. Io was frantically looking for the HVAC company business card. When I finally found it, I tried calling the phone number, but no one was answering. I tried several times, and was beginning to worry the HVAC company had gone out of business. After several minutes of panicking, I slapped myself on the head. I had a cell phone, which was nothing less than a miniature computer. I looked up the HVAC company. I laughed when I realized the HVAC company business card was for a different company. There was a phone number for the HVAC company on the website, and I gave them a call. I told them about the air conditioning unit, and I wanted to make an appointment. I told them I hadn’t changed the air filter in several months, and I was worried there could be damage to the air conditioner. Two hours later, there was an HVAC technician knocking on my door. He said there was a lot of build up in the ductwork because of the lack of air filter changes, but it wasn’t too late. The air conditioning unit was in very good shape considering the neglect.

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