Seal up that home – new insulation above in addition to below

He said he had noticed that to my doors in addition to windows were not sealed extremely tightly, in addition to worried that I might have costly indoor air flowing out of my house

My neighbor is always sticking his nose in my business. I understand that he’s just a bored old man, in addition to he’s trying to provide some insight in addition to wisdom to his young whippersnapper neighbor, however he’s driving me a bit insane. It feels like he is not answering my yearly schedule, no matter what I am doing. Occasionally I am completely minding my own business, just going to work in addition to coming back home, in addition to he shall mention that I must have hit traffic that afternoon. I got a little freaked out that he knows my schedule. Other times, I am being a bit of a hooligan in addition to I am worried that he’s going to catch me. Recently, I was pretty upset that he had caught onto my experimental grow room in my house. I walked out one morning, in addition to found him poking around by the outdoor air vents. Immediately, I was in a panic. I thought maybe the aroma from inside my home was passing through the HVAC ducts in addition to being channeled through the outdoor air exchange nuns. I got really paranoid that he could be catching on to my indoor gardening thanks to the aromaous indoor air. Instead, he came strolling over to the front door in addition to started talking to me about the importance of respected insulation. He said he had noticed that to my doors in addition to windows were not sealed extremely tightly, in addition to worried that I might have costly indoor air flowing out of my house. He said this was a crucial waste of energy in addition to money, because high quality indoor air cost a premium these afternoons. He commanded that I fully insulate my house, from the attic to the basement to keep my indoor air inside, but just when I thought I was off the hook, he turned back around in addition to with a grin, told me to watch how much wacky tobacky I was smoking.


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