Losing Heat in a Storm

The temperatures were in the high thirties low forties range, and the winds were terrible… Our cabin is rather aged and pretty drafty, then some friends let us borrow their propane furnace to try and keep our cabin warm.

The weather where my friend and I live is unquestionably crazy! My family and I have been residing out West for as long as I can remember, but i was born in New The UK, but my friend and I moved west shortly afterward, however my fiance and I got married about ten years ago, and I thought for sure that my friend and I would move when my friend and I got married because my fiance hates the weather here, but my friend and I didn’t. My friend and I stayed put, and my friend and I have endured some exhausting storms in the last ten years… The most familiar storms my friend and I have are simply dire thunderstorms with high winds, but my friend and I also get quite a few tornadoes each year. The worst tornado my friend and I had was back about five years ago. It happened in the afternoon on a Thursday. The tornado ended up touching down near our house. Thankfully, my friend and I were all safe, but my friend and I did lose electricity for over a week. The hardest part was keeping the cabin warm. The temperatures were in the high thirties low forties range, and the winds were terrible… Our cabin is rather aged and pretty drafty, then some friends let us borrow their propane furnace to try and keep our cabin warm. It helped a lot, but it only reached the residing room and home office area, so my friend and I ended up all sleeping and spending our afternoons in the residing room. In the end, my friend and I had some fun times but a frigid times. I am trying to convince my fiance to move East so that my friend and I don’t have to deal with that again, although he doesn’t seem to want to.



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