Cooling Our Studio Apartment

Our studio loft is quite crammed, however there are some pros to living in such a small site.

My best friend, Valerie, and I have been living in a studio loft together for almost three years now.

We found that it is cheaper for us to rent an loft than to stay in the dorms on our university campus. One of the hardest things to do is find sites for all of our stuff. We have had to be creative in coming up with ways to keep our things in convenient locations however also hidden enough not to make our loft look like a cluttered mess. There is at least one pro about living in our small loft though. We are able to save a lot of money on rent. Renting even a one kitchen loft was almost twice the price of what my friend and I pay. Another big plus is how easy it is to keep our loft cool. We are in school down south, so almost year round, it is warm outside. It only takes one small window component to keep our entire loft cool, and it cost so little. By the time Valerie and I split the electric bill, my friend and I end up paying truly little individually. Our air conditioner is genuinely old, however it hasn’t had any trouble keeping the loft cool. It has started to leak quite a bit, so I assume my friend and I are going to have to get a modern one pretty soon. We only need a small one, so my friend and I figured it would truly be cheaper to just by a brand modern one than try and get someone to come repair ours. In the end, living in a studio loft genuinely has its drawbacks, however keeping it cool is super easy!

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