My sister’s baby shower was so much fun, but it was really cold as well! My sweet sister found out that she was pregnant with her first baby about eight months ago.
As soon as she found out, she told me, and we began planning.
We really enjoyed spending some quality time together getting ready for her precious baby’s arrival. I also started planning a surprise baby shower right away. I knew I wasn’t going to do the baby shower until she was around eight months pregnant, but I was so excited that I just started planning it. By the time the shower was to happen, I had so much planned for it. I had four different games that I knew would be a lot of fun. I decorated the night before, and it was so cute. We did the shower in our church building because we needed a big area. Unfortunately, the night before the shower, the furnace in the church stopped working. The pastor had an HVAC technician look at the furnace, but it wasn’t until about an hour before the shower began. Needless to say, the cafeteira where we were having the shower was really chilly. I brought some small electric heaters that I had from my house to the church which helped keep the room a little warmer, but it was still cold enough that we all had to wear jackets. In the end, the shower was an absolute success. My sister was surprised, and the whole thing was so much fun! The HVAC technician ended up fixing the furnace and all was well in the end!