I had no idea that the sprinkler system in my front yard had malfunctioned, allowing water to enter my central heating and cooling system! It actually fried it! It is unusual for this to occur, but the fact that the sprinkler got directly inside is how it all happened! I had to call the local heating and cooling supplier to have them send out a certified heating and cooling specialist to repair the damage done to my central heating and cooling unit.
It ended up costing me a lot of money to repair it, more than I would have expected for a central heating and cooling unit repair, because the central heating and cooling unit was literally fried, and there were motherboards and other components that needed to be upgraded.
This is why it’s so expensive. Again, this is an extremely rare case… Even during the most intense rainstorms, water does not enter the central heating and cooling system. This happened because it was sprayed directly in the direction the sprinkler system hit by accident and malfunction. I’m going to go out and get a tarp for my central heating and A/C unit in case something like this happens again. If I had a tarp over the central heating and air conditioning unit, this would never have happened in the first place because it would have been protected. Little did I know that a simple tarp could have saved me from the exorbitant cost of repairing my central heating and cooling unit, as the water damage could have been prevented altogether.