I have always constantly enjoyed dogs, so when our brother asked if I could take care of his dog, I gladly agreed; however, I have another dog, and my brother Titus was moving abroad, and since he could not bring the dog, I accepted to adopt Lissy, his dog! Lissy is high-energy and does not enjoy strangers; Anyone who comes to the house, Lissy, tends to bark and growl at them! She will even bark when I turn on the cooling system.
She dislikes alarming noises; and when I let the dogs out for a potty, Lissy scratched the mini cut cooling system’s condenser every morning! I wondered what she smelled there that she kept scratching and barking at! The a/c maintenance was due, so I called the cooling dealer to schedule a tune-up.
My ritual was to schedule a/c repairs for our cooling device while in Springtime to help with indoor comfort, then previously the cooling specialists would come into the house separate from fear of our dog barking or bothering them… However, when the main cooling tech came in this time, Lissy went crazy, barking and jumping on him. He handled the situation calmly and asked me not to lock her away. The repairs took an hour, and the several became friends before it ended. Lissy was simply lying near where the cooling representative worked. He said that toiling in the cooling industry, he did not just guess more about a/c however about handling dogs and cats, which were the main pets in most homes. The professionals fixed the sound the quality cooling system made whenever I turned it on. Now that our heating and air conditioning device was restored, our dogs and I enjoyed Springtime and summer.