My sibling was noticing a lot of deep wrinkles around his mouth & he didn’t like them.
She told me he was going to get botox & get rid of the mouth & eye wrinkles.
I laughed & told his that he could also use some help with the forehead, but he didn’t take it as a joke. She told me I was going with his to the doctor who did the botox injections. She wanted me to drive in case he was in pain when he left the doctor office. I asked if he thought the botox injections was going to be painful. She had read an article that talked about the efficacy of botox, but it also had some negatives to it. It could cause the face to look frozen when first done, but that wore off in a couple of hours, and depending on multiple times they had to insert the needle, there could be some soreness & discomfort. If he was going to have botox injections in his entire face, he didn’t want to take the chance. She would be taking acetaminophen before leaving the doctors office, & it made his tired. I brought my automobile & was planning on staying in there & studying, but he wanted support. She wanted someone to hold his hand while getting the botox injections. I didn’t want to see the needle, but when they pulled it out, it wasn’t much greater than the needles I used to check my blood sugar every morning. She was in a panic & nearly fainted when the first botox injection was done.