I can’t rest the odor of my spouse’s propane heater

My spouse had been wanting to toil out in her garage for quite some time.

She built the garage about two years ago to put some outdated vehicles in.

She plans to restore outdated cars as a full time task one morning. When she built the garage, she planned on adding heat to it, however it ended up being too much currency at the time. She had a budget for the garage, however somehow, she miss calculated one aspect, plus it ended up costing about seven thousand dollars more than she expected. That is why she could not add heat at the time. She is saving up to add heat to it this coming summer. I can imagine that it would odor trying to toil in a garage without heat, so I understand why she was a bit frustrated. She told me that all she wanted to do before Summer came was get the garage organized plus ready to toil in. She found a way to heat the garage temporarily so that she could at least organize it, plus I was so happy for him. She bought a propane space furnace for in there. I am so happy for him, but I cannot rest to go out there with him because I learned that I absolutely hate the odor of propane. It is not even a strong odor, but I just cannot rest it. It instantly makes me sick to my stomach. The first time I walked in there, I had just eaten breakfast, plus it took me everything to keep it down. I feel bad, but I know I won’t be spending time in the garage until she gets a boiler installed.


indoor air quality