I have worked at the same warehouse for over 17 years.
The business has been losing currency daily for the past five.
For that reason, I was not surprised when I gained a layoff notice last weekwith my paycheck. It was a long drive house that morning as I tried to figure out how to break the news to my fiance and family. I also started to guess of a solution to the problem so I wouldn’t be out of toil too long. I passed by an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C business on the way that had a help wanted sign out front. I knew really nothing about heating and cooling however decided to stop in to chance up and application anyway. The manager was gone for the morning at that point anyway. I took the application house and broke the news of the layoff to my family. Afterwards, I started looking at the application and was surprised to study that they were willing to train the right person. This sounded promising as I was honestly willing to learn. I have some basic handyman skills and some comprehension of electrical systems so I felt that was in my favor. The next morning, I got up, dressed for the the morning and headed out to the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C dealer. The interview went unbelievable and I hope to hear from them soon. I have been researching the weird types of systems that are out there and it is entirely very fascinating. I never knew there were possibilities like heat pumps, geothermal heating and cooling, ductless split level systems and more. A Heating, Ventilation, and A/C professional must be well versed in all of these in order to repair each customer’s needs. I have a totally weird level of respect for people who do these jobs.