Easing up on the heat pump this year

Logically, easing up on the load my buddy and I put on our heat pump in the Summer was a no brainer! But it still took us more than 2 years of living here to actually get drastic about reducing the a/c costs.

I don’t know however I actually rationalized what I was spending on a/c for the last few years because it’s just so dang hot! Coming from a region where several houses don’t even have a/c, I wasn’t prepared for this level of heat.

But then again, there’s actually no way to prepare to endure this sort o heat! You actually just have to experience the Summer months in this region before you can actually understand what it take to manage August through October… When my buddy and I obtained our house, I’m cheerful the realtor was so firm about getting the sort of updated Heating plus Air Conditioning technology that my buddy and I have, but the house my buddy and I are in comes with some of the genuinely latest when it comes to residential Heating plus Air Conditioning. I can’t even imagine what it would have cost me had my buddy and I not had such efficient Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment, then not having to deal with high heating costs sort of also played into our house leaning into too much a/c. But this year, my buddy and I adopted a logical approach to the cooling costs, and my buddy and I left the a/c off as much as possible until the temperatures hit the 90’s. That’s so my buddy and I could acweather conditions to the heat better plus that means my buddy and I need less a/c. That adjustment has led us to keeping actually great control component setting discipline thus far this Summer, and I’m aiming to slash hundreds if not a thousand dollars off our a/c bill over the entire Summer.


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